
This is me!  Mum of 2, wife of one.  Disability campaigner. Novice Blogger and tweeter and expert chocolate eater!

I believe in the social model of disability in that disabled people are ‘disabled’ by the barriers created by society and other people, and not because they have impairments, health conditions etc. 

I write this diary for two reasons:

1.  I, and my family are all visually impaired and one of our children also has aspergers syndrome.  This is an attempt for Violet to tell some of our family’s stories about life, to share our successes, discuss our dillemmas and muse about our challenges.  My aims are  to challenge people’s assumptions, to raise awareness and to be open about some of the issues we face.  

2.  As a campaigner for disabled people’s choices, rights and equality etc.  I sometimes feel the need to question and think about issues in the world that are wider than the specific experience of myself and my family and I sometimes find that some of the decisions we make as a family don’t seem to quite fit with the values I think I hold, so somtimes the posts are about Violet’s thoughts about wider issues.

Quote from Violet ‘We don’t want to be judged and patronised, we just want understanding and support where we need it – a bit like anyone really!’

6 Responses to About

  1. Great new blog. Lovely poems. Nice to meet you 🙂

  2. Hooray! Another mum to children with disabilities who knows all about the social model of disability! I shall be following your blog with avid interest. 🙂

  3. Angela says:

    I’ve just nominated you for the Liebster Award over at my blog http://halfpastnormal.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/lazy-liebster-award/

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